Labels:monitor | reckoner | sequence OCR: THE SMALL INVESTOR UPDATE INVESTORS HAVE crash, investors cut their One reason: With rates THE MOST IN 301% stockholdings of to H portfolios little on pue money certificates funds of deposit below STOCKS SINCE Since then, they have been 3% investors are seeking In April. the percentage shifting billions of dollars higher returns. stocks ir small investors hack into stocks. In April, For April, the Small In- portfolios rose to 37. 7% for example, they flooded vestor Index fell $325 to the it thas been since stock mutual Tunds with $47. 130 Stocks lost $475. right before the October $12.5 billion up from honds returned S82 cash 1987 crash according the previous four wecks ac chipped in $39 and gold our Small Investor Index cording AMG Data Ser contr ibuted $35 the year following the vices in ...